14 Funny Facts about Scandinavia


Usually Scandinavia is associated with winter sports and fjords; countries inhabited by tall, statuesque blondes and Vikings.  Yet there is so much more to these Northern countries. We’ve compiled a list of strange, silly and superb Scandinavian facts. Read on!
1) Norway
During Norway’s Polar Nights, the sun is up for only 3 hours a day in some parts (and not at all in others).

Polar night in Norway
Polar night in Norway

2) Denmark
Denmark doesn’t do mountains. Their tallest ‘hill’ is a mere 170 meters high. It’s called Møllehøj.

Denmark's highest mountain, Möllehöj
Denmark’s highest mountain, Möllehöj

3) Sweden
The most popular souvenir in Sweden is the commonly seen “moose-crossing” warning sign. Many are stolen from the roadside every year.

Moose crossing sign from Sweden
Moose crossing sign from Sweden

4) Denmark
In Denmark, if you’re not married by the age of 30 you get a pepper shaker as a gift. Men are called Pepperman (“pebersvend”) and females Peppermaid (“pebermø”). We don’t know why…

Pepper man cake in Denmark
Pepper man cake in Denmark

5) Sweden
Sweden is a trailblazer when it comes to inventions and innovations. The zipper, the fridge, the pacemaker and the computer mouse are Swedish. Not forgetting IKEA and H&M. The stylish lot.

Did you know that the zipper is a Swedish invention?
Did you know that the zipper is a Swedish invention?

6) Denmark
The inventors of LEGO® got things started in Billund, Denmark in 1932 manufacturing not toy bricks, but stepladders! Naturally, Billund is now the home of Legoland Theme Park.

7) Norway

You herd it here first. The world’s largest population of arctic reindeer herders can be found in Norway!

Sami people noth of the Arctic circle in Norway
Sami people noth of the Arctic circle in Norway

8) Norway
Norway is just a little bit larger than the US state New Mexico and two thirds of Norway are mountain regions.

Just have a look at the map above.

9) Sweden
During Easter in Sweden, which is a well-known holiday here, children dress up and go from home to home asking for candy, similar to Halloween!

Easter in Sweden
Easter in Sweden

10) Sweden
During Midsummer, the Swedes dance around a maypole and sing songs where they pretend to be frogs, pigs, horses… ridiculously catchy too, if you’re lucky enough to get to experience this, you’ll be humming the songs for the rest of your holiday.

Midsummer in Sweden
Midsummer in Sweden

11) Denmark
The Danes were recently crowned as the happiest people in the world

Happy Danes
Happy Danes

12) Sweden
The Swedes recycle so much of their waste, so they have to import it from Norway so they can fuel their energy programs.

13) Norway

In 2008, Norway knighted a penguin! The penguin in question is called Nils Olav and prior to his knighthood, was promoted to Colonel in Chief of the Norwegian Army.

Nils Olav the Penguin inspects the Kings Guard of Norway after being bestowed with a knighthood at Edinburgh Zoo in Scotland. The King's Guard adopted the penguin as their mascot in 1972 during a visit to Edinburgh for the annual Military Tattoo.
Nils Olav the Penguin inspects the Kings Guard of Norway after being bestowed with a knighthood at Edinburgh Zoo in Scotland.
The King’s Guard adopted the penguin as their mascot in 1972 during a visit to Edinburgh for the annual Military Tattoo.


Danish boy feeding himself spaghetti
Danish boy feeding himself spaghetti

14) Denmark
The Danes eat more pasta than any other country in the world.

14 Funny Facts about Scandinavia, compiled by Admin