Sustainability has become one of the most important social issues for consumers and companies in Scandinavian countries. Whether through media or government regulation, Scandinavian consumers are keener to make conscientious choices when shopping online. Here’s a list of the 30 top online shops in Scandinavia by country.

The top ten of online stores in Denmark is dominated by foreign players, like Zalando, H&M and Amazon. Of course, the top 10 list changes every year, but the list below is our latest based on figures from several players in the market.
At a staggering 98.1%, Denmark has the highest internet penetration rate in the Nordic region, as well as the second highest globally. This is reflected in its B2C e-commerce market, with 62% of Danish consumers purchasing goods online in 2019. Though only 26% of online shoppers in Denmark used web shops from outside the Nordic countries, almost half of that number purchased from UK based companies.
1. Zalando Germany
2. Elgiganten Norway
3. Apple USA
4. H&M Sweden
5. Ikea Sweden
6. Boozt Sweden
7. Coop Denmark
8. Matas Denmark
9. Asos UK
10. Jem & Fix Denmark
Related: E-commerce and Beauty Products – A Perfect Match in Scandinavia
Though Norway currently ranks second in terms of Scandinavia’s e-commerce purchases, they are number one for revenue per capita. They also rank first for internet penetration rate in the Nordics, with 98% of the population having access to the internet in 2020. This has lead to Norway having a 67% share of consumers purchasing goods online in 2019, with 33% of them purchasing goods from overseas.
The top ten of online stores in Norway is dominated by local players. Apple is the only non-Norwegian ecommerce player in the top three. Of course, the top 10 list changes every year, but the list below is our latest based on figures from several players in the market.
1. Din side Norway
2. Norway
3. Apple USA
4. Elkjø Norway
5. Clas Ohlson Sweden
6. Ikea Sweden
7. Sweden
8. Zalando Germany
9. Power Norway
10. CappelenDamm Norway
Related: Scandinavian E-commerce Trends 2022

As of 2021, Sweden boasts a 98% internet penetration rate, ranking as the third highest globally. At around £8.16 billion, their B2C e-commerce market is the largest of all the Nordic countries – almost double that of Norway, the next biggest.
The top ten of online stores in Sweden is dominated by local players. Zalando is the only non-Swedish ecommerce player in the top three. Of course, the top 10 list changes every year, but the list below is our latest based on figures from several players in the market.
1. Sweden
2. Sweden
3. Zalando Germany
4. Adlibris Sweden
5. H&M Sweden
6. Webhallen Sweden
7. Wish USA
8. eBay USA
9. Bokus Sweden
10. Amazon USA
Related: Two Swedish E-Commerce Companies Merge
It must be highlighted that although sustainability is important, delivery criteria such as information about the delivery, the price and how fast the delivery can take place, are criteria that are considered important. Only 8% consider unsustainability to be the most important criterion according to research.
30 Top Online Shops in Scandinavia, compiled by Tor Kjolberg