A Train Journey from Trondheim to Bodø in Norway

A Train Journey from Trondheim to Bodø in Norway

The train journey from Trondheim to Bodø in Norway is an incredibly beautiful journey and, when taken in summer, the light evenings ensure that you miss nothing.

The train transports you through pine forests, across foothills and alongside fjords and rivers. The sea of green and blue is broken only by the occasional red wooden farmstead.

A Train Journey from Trondheim to Bodø in Norway
Arctic Circle in Northern Norway

The Arctic Circle
It is a curious feeling to head towards something that you will never see, but the Arctic Circle announces itself in many ways. As you head north, the light changes imperceptibly. The snow, which was confined to the mountain tops moves ever nearer, whilst on the track the wooden tunnels, constructed to protect the line from avalanches, grow more numerous.

A Train Journey from Trondheim to Bodø in Norway
As you head north, the light changes imperceptibly

As the sign of human habitation thin out and the mountains get more rugged, the landscape becomes ever more hypnotic. Thoughts turn to wildlife watching and there is every chance that you will spot a majestic reindeer in its natural surroundings.

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Curious Rituals occur on the train journey form Trondheim to Bodø in Norway
The Arctic Circle is heralded not only by a hoot of the train’s whistle and two cairns on the side of the track, but by curious rituals on the train. A party spirit suddenly erupts, some partake in illicit drinking, while others share food and sometimes kissing breaks out as though it were New Year’s Eve.

It does feel significant to have crossed ‘the line’ and it is always interesting to watch the impromptu ceremonies that mark it.

A Train Journey from Trondheim to Bodø in Norway
Train crossing the Arctic Circle

More than just a train journey
The final steep decent takes you from Arctic tundra towards the blue Atlantic Ocean. This is as far north as the railway goes and as the charming town of Bodø comes into view, you are left with the feeling that you have taken more than just a train journey.

The journey takes around ten hours and takes you over three marvelous mountain ranges. If you are lucky enough or stay long enough – you may experience the Northern Lights (September to March).

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A Train Journey from Trondheim to Bodø in Norway
Bodø Cathedral

Don’t miss Bodø Domkirke, a modern cathedral in Gothic style and Nordlandsmuseet, a museum recording local life.

If you are travelling in high summer (June – August) the train can get crowded. Advance booking of a hotel room in Bodø is recommended.

A Train Journey from Trondheim to Bodø in Norway, written by Tor Kjolberg