Airport of the Future

Airport if the future

Two Norwegian architect companies gain international attention for their plans for one of the biggest airports in the world, Istanbul New Airport.

A trio, consisting of one British and two Norwegian architect companies, has been appointed to design the first phase of the terminal, which is scheduled to open in 2019.

Airport of the Future
Haptic Istandbul Grand Airport

While the conceptual design of the airport is by Norwegian Haptic Architects and Nordic Office of Architecture, the detailed architectural design is by British Grimshaw Architects.

Istanbul’s gigantic new hub will have six runways, the world’s biggest duty free shop, flights to 350 destinations, Europe’s largest car park, with 24,000 spaces, and a capacity of 150 million passengers, when it is fully operational by 2028.

Airport of the Future
The new airport is located on the black sea, 35 kilometers outside of Istandbul

Located on the black sea, 35 kilometers outside of the Turkish city, the project is on track to become the world’s largest airport terminal, with a gross floor area close to one million square meters.

Istanbul New Airport, the name given to the project so far, will have four phases, the first aiming to serve 90 million annual passengers.

Airport of the Future
Istanbul New Airport Haptic entrance visualized in wintertime

Despite its enormous scale, the building retains a human scale throughout with an expansive central plaza and a traffic forecourt, which serves as a hub integrating rail, metro, bus and car transportation. Project bosses are thereby aiming to simplify passenger flow with spacious terminals, ‘comfortable’ walking distances and new technology.

Airport of the Future
New air traffic control tower

Grimshaw partner, Andrew Thomas commented, “We are delighted to have been appointed to this bold and aspirational project. We share the consortium’s ambitions to develop a truly outstanding airport design worthy of the world city of istanbul.”

Airport of the Future
Pn site from left to right: Thomas (Haptic), Andy (Grimshaw), Gudmund (Nordic)

“We are glad to be able to respond to the high demands of the client and create an exceptional solution, both in terms of functionality and architecture,” added Gudmund Stokke principal partner of Nordic.

Airport of the Future, written by Tor Kjolberg

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Journalist, PR and marketing consultant Tor Kjolberg has several degrees in marketing management. He started out as a marketing manager in Scandinavian companies and his last engagement before going solo was as director in one of Norway’s largest corporations. Tor realized early on that writing engaging stories was more efficient and far cheaper than paying for ads. He wrote hundreds of articles on products and services offered by the companies he worked for. Thus, he was attuned to the fact that storytelling was his passion.