Aula Medica – The Pulpit


Aula Medica, the lecture hall complex in Stockholm’s Karolinska Institute , with its 1,000-seat auditorium, was offiucially opened last summer. It enables the university to arrange major public events, such as the Nobel lectures, which attract audiences from around the world.

Long-felt need
As far back as 1937 architect Ture Rydberg drew up plans for a large lecture hall, his “Per Haps” proposal winning Karolinska Institutet’s architecture competition for future campus development. The plans were however shelved due to lack of funds.

Karolinska Institutet has a close, interactive relationship with the wider community. Seminars, lectures and symposia form a natural part of its schedule of activities. Despite this, the university has previously lacked its own premises in which to arrange public events, and there has long been a need for its own lecture hall complex.

Private donation
Work started on the new lecture hall complex in September 2010. The auditorium, with the exception of the office and service facilities, has been fully financed by a private donation from the Erling-Persson Foundation.

Aula Medica was completed in the summer of 2013 and houses a 1,000-seat auditorium, office space for 90 staff, 100 conference seats, two restaurants and a café. Nobel lectures, large scientific symposia, gala receptions and conferences will be held here.

Building design
Wingårdh has designed the building, the form and geometry of which contrasts with the traditional low-rise brick buildings on the campus. It is situated along Solnavägen opposite the new university hospital. With its central location and geometric form, the lecture hall complex opens up the campus area to the main public thoroughfare.

Energy-efficient building
An environmental program has been produced to ensure a green build. Highly energy-efficient solutions have been devised following investigations into choices of system. For example, the carcass of the building comprises triangular elements that form an airtight, energy-lean façade.

Source: Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm