Benefits And Drawbacks Of Scandinavian Educational Program


With only 10 million, Sweden has given the world 12 famous brands. And – 30 Nobel laureates. Scandinavia in general – 57 Nobel laureates. Where do productivity and innovation in education come from? There are a lot of pros of studying abroad In Scandinavian Countries. Learn more about benefits and drawbacks of Scandinavian educational program.

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Benefits And Drawbacks Of Scandinavian Educational Program
The average number of years spent studying is from 10.29 years in Finland to 12.63 years in Norway. Photo by

A little about statistics
A characteristic feature of the Scandinavian countries is the high degree of public interest in children receiving a quality education. According to the International Index of Human Development, children start their education in these countries at 6-7. The average number of years spent studying is from 10.29 years in Finland to 12.63 years in Norway.

Related: An Introduction to Studying in Scandinavia

However, the expected study duration, i.e., planned by the state, is 15.8 years in Sweden to 18.7 years in Iceland. Such data show that a significant part of the population of the Scandinavian countries are students. In Europe, the average proportion of students and the rest of the population is 20-25%. Scandinavia confirms this figure, and the share of students in the total population here is 23%. But, it should be noted that only 75% of students in the Nordic countries receive a certificate of completion of the pre-university program, according to which they have the right to continue their studies at the university level.

Given that Scandinavians graduate from high school between the ages of 18 and 20, it can be assumed that higher education priority is replaced by the importance of getting a job at this age. At the same time, it should be recognized that the number of citizens of the Scandinavian countries wishing to obtain higher education has been growing sharply in recent years.

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Benefits And Drawbacks Of Scandinavian Educational Program
Most academic institutions in the Nordic countries are public, and a small number of private schools and universities receive government subsidies. Photo by Tezos/Unsplash

The education system in the Scandinavian countries
The education system of the Scandinavian countries is built mainly on one model. Most academic institutions in the Nordic countries are public, and a small number of private schools and universities receive government subsidies. Thus, education in college or university in Scandinavia is free for student, except foreigner, who can obtain a loan to study in Scandinavian countries. The pre-university program for students in the Scandinavian countries lasts three years, unlike most European countries, where children in high school study for two years. Several subjects are taught in English at school and university, so most Scandinavians speak English as their mother language.

Most Scandinavian schools teach children to write an essay from a young age. They believe that there can be many solutions in an essay. But it is okay when a child does not know how to write it. It is okay to search for some problem and solution essay topics and ideas to get some help. The main principle enshrined in the education system in the Scandinavian countries is the availability of education regardless of social origin, ethnicity or nationality, religious beliefs, or disabilities. In addition, the spread of migration processes has made the Scandinavian countries multicultural.

Hence, integrated learning ensures the realization of the right of every member of society to equal access to education, profession, and determination of their place in society. Another characteristic feature of the Scandinavian countries is the promotion of lifelong learning. Lifelong learning involves the organization of education from early childhood to old age. Such education consists of the division of education at the level of parts and its alternation with employment throughout life.

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Benefits And Drawbacks Of Scandinavian Educational Program
Library in Sweden. Photo by Susan Q. YinBenefits And Drawbacks Of Scandinavian Educational Program /Unsplash

Psychology of the Scandinavian system
According to research on the level of education, they are somewhere in the top ten. According to the Swedes, education is not so much about knowledge as about what kind of society a person will live in and what the school should give him for happiness in this society. They abandoned the word “successful” in the system of economic relations. Thus, the school realizes the social demand: to raise a child in the value paradigm in which society exists.

Never in the rhetoric of the Scandinavians will you find the phrase “a child should.” This is not in their terminological field. They emphasize that when they say “freedom,” they also mean “responsibility.” Responsibility results from the freedom a child is given from an early age. And only in this way can you raise a citizen who can be responsible for their future.

For Scandinavians, school is a reflection of society’s values. It makes no sense to consider a school in any country, in any system, separately from the model of the state and society. There is even a whole course and lesson about this topic. For most young children, Scandinavian even write a book with a story about the unique hero to promote society’s values. There are many people there who reading such books to their children there.

According to research. The basic skills of the XXI century will be the ability to concentrate. Also, the ability to work with information, empathy and emotional intelligence, cooperation, the flexibility of thinking, and creativity. Is there something about knowledge in the literal sense? No, it’s all social skills. So we need to think about what our school should be about.

In Sweden, the school-based competency list was adopted in 1994. In 2010, they moved to a value-oriented framework during the last education reform.

The value of the Scandinavian countries is based on trust, mutual understanding, and partnership. 60% of their didactics are based on group discussion. They spend less time writing coursework in the library than in other countries. For example, a teacher divides a class into groups. Gives 15 minutes, and asks for a list of ten questions about how the Swedish pension system works. Then he asks to find the telephone numbers of the services. The mayor’s office and the ministry that are responsible for pensions. And immediately asks to contact and get answers to your questions. Children call department heads and ministry staff. And they don’t hear: “I’m busy, I have important public affairs, so let’s write to the secretary.” They get answers because the child is a priority. And there are no public affairs that the employee will not put off to spend ten minutes answering.

Benefits And Drawbacks Of Scandinavian Educational Program – Conclusion
This creates a learning society. It is worth noting that the highest percentage of citizens are involved in lifelong learning. It is the highest in the Scandinavian countries compared to other European countries.

Benefits And Drawbacks Of Scandinavian Educational Program, is a promotional article written by

Feature image (on top): Photo by Kimberly Farmer / Unsplash