We are thrilled to finally launch our new website design! Why a new look and feel to our site? To put it bluntly, the old Daily Scandinavian site was designed for a different era (i.e. three years ago). Enjoy!
As of 2 November 2016, our new website is live! It features a whole new look with mobile-first responsive design, and a new focus on sharing with you Scandinavian active lifestyles, destinations, accommodation, attractions, history, arts and music, architecture, fitness, recipes and more.

We are confident you will find the new look and feel visually pleasing and easy to navigate. As we have grown and evolved in the past, so will our website. We will continue to add helpful information so that you may discover Scandinavia with Scandinavians!

What better way to follow us as we continually work to improve all areas of our business, whether it includes our daily articles, partner presentations, our quality advertisers and more.

As always, we welcome your feedback and respect your opinions. Please complete the Contact Us Form on the Contact Us page. You may also provide praise, problems you’ve encountered, ideas to help us improve by, and questions you may have.

With more and more of you accessing web content via tablets and smart phones, we needed to redesign the look and feel of the site so that it was more multi-platform friendly (a fancy way of saying we wanted to make sure it looked good on any device).

We also wanted to make sure that the images really popped on the new site. After all we’re a part of the travel industry, and the “graphic” part of that is really important to us and our readers. Finally, we wanted to streamline things. As our content has expanded some of the old ways of navigating, the site didn’t work so well any more.

We have published almost 700 articles by now, and that’s a lot of information for all of you to navigate! Hopefully, our new design will make things a little easier on you.
We thank our web-designer and webmaster Amir Hussain for his excellent cooperation.
Tor Kjolberg
Editor in Chief