Denmark Social Taboos That You Must Be Familiar With

Denmark Social Taboos That You Must Be Familiar With

Every country has its own social taboos. For people traveling to an unfamiliar country, it might be a surprise that something is considered to be a taboo when the same thing is a friendly gesture in their country of residence. The same applies to Denmark. Learn more about Denmark social taboos that you must be familiar with.

It is essential to learn about the country’s culture and traditions so that you feel welcomed and blend in with the people that live there. But what is most important, find out what their social taboos are. Read on to find out about the most common social taboos that exist in this country so that you will be prepared when you visit it.

Denmark Social Taboos That You Must Be Familiar With
Danes like to have personal space, and the more, the better. Photo Ryoji Iwata/Unsplash
Tell the Neighbors
Remember this taboo when traveling to Denmark and staying in an apartment building. If you meet some of your old friends and decide to have a friendly gathering at your apartment, you must let the neighbors know about it. But don’t do it in person, since it may feel awkward both for you and them. It is best to write a note so that they will be informed and when it gets a little noise during the party, you won’t get into any trouble for that.

Also, Danes are not used to greeting strangers. So, if you walk out of your apartment and see someone from the building passing by, it is best not to say anything. This way, you won’t make anyone uncomfortable.

Related: Danish Happiness Explained

Personal Space
Danes like to have personal space, and the more, the better. They are a friendly nation, but they also respect another person’s space. When meeting a person, it is enough to shake hands, but not give a hug. You are to be very close to that person to hug him/her without giving that person any discomfort. Also, if you are being overfriendly with someone, or making too many compliments, that person may consider your actions being impolite.
Denmark Social Taboos That You Must Be Familiar With
Photo by Shane Rounce/Unsplash

In the US, it is a normal thing to open a door for someone else and let that person go ahead. But in Denmark, by doing this, you will only make that other person feel awkward. The first thing that the person will thing after such a gesture would: “Am I incapable of opening the door myself?”.

Also, another weird social taboo is that it is not acceptable to whistle outside. It distracts people and will draw a lot of unwanted attention to you if you do this, for example, in the park.

Related: The Danish Art of Happiness

If you want to leave a good impression on a potential employer, or a new friend, don’t be late for your meeting. Being punctual is the thing that people in this country respect the most. Punctuality is not just a simple rule for them, but a way of life. If you are late for a meeting, the other person will consider you a rude and disreputable person. But if something happened, and you know that you will be late, it is best to call that person and let him or her know in advance.

Even if you are a student on an exchange program and are studying in Denmark, and for some reason, you decided to buy custom essay online, remember to pay for that work in time, so as not to seem rude to the person that is completing that task for you. Moreover, never be late to class and always submit any of your assignments in time.

Indirect Questions
If you want to ask someone a very personal question, one that is about that person’s family, finances, or religion, it is best to rephrase those questions. Never ask Danes directly about those topics. You may feel rude if you do. Instead, it is best to rephrase them so that the questions will be more subtle.

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Denmark Social Taboos That You Must Be Familiar With
After you put all of the products that you want to buy on the conveyor belt, remember to place the bar after those products. Photo:

Conveyor Belt
Whenever going grocery shopping, remember this rule if you want to avoid bad looks. After you put all of the products that you want to buy on the conveyor belt, remember to place the bar after those products. You don’t want people thinking that you don’t care about others.

Denmark Social Taboos That You Must Be Familiar With – The Bottom Line
Many of the foreigners that live in Denmark don’t feel like all of these social taboos exist. It depends mostly on the region of residence of that person. But if you are traveling to this country for the first time, it is essential to be at least aware that they exist somewhere in the country and be prepared, so as not to look weird and feel uncomfortable around Danes.

Feature image (on top) Photo: Ava Coploff/Unsplash

Denmark Social Taboos That You Must Be Familiar With, written exclusively for Daily Scandinavian