How the Nordics Are Standing Up to Climate Change

How the Nordics Are Standing Up to Climate Change

The globe is beginning to feel the effects of climate change at an accelerated rate than at any other time in the history of the world. The Nordic nations’ geographical location makes them more vulnerable to climate change effects and reports are already showing the negative effects. Read more about how the Nordics are standing up to climate change

Global warming is being felt within the Nordic belt, with statistics showing an increase in temperatures ranging between 0.30c–0.450c per decade, a trend which is worrying, owing to the continued melting of ice within the arctic region.

How the Nordics Are Standing Up to Climate Change
Global warming is being felt within the Nordic belt, with statistics showing an increase in temperatures ranging between 0.30c–0.450c per decade

Moving Away from Fossil Fuel
The Nordics are at the forefront of a 100% adaptation to green energy aimed at reducing carbon emissions responsible for the global rise in temperature. Sweden is a major consumer of biofuel and has increased the production of wind energy and hydropower.

Denmark relies more on wind power, accounting for about 40% of the nation’s total consumption, with Finland adapting to biofuels, wind, and hydro energy. Norway is leading in the consumption of renewable energy, with hydropower taking the highest percentage.

Iceland is impressively almost 100% renewable energy generation with hydropower at 73% and geothermal at 27%. There are many college essays available online that students in the Nordic education department have written about moving away from fossil fuel.

How the Nordics Are Standing Up to Climate Change
Within the Nordic nations, the governments are involving their population in embracing climate change adaptions

Related: Climate Change Threatening Arctic Reindeer

Involvement of The Nordic Population in climate-change: Essay example
Within the Nordic nations, the governments are involving their population in embracing climate change adaptions. In a campaign called climate stand-up, Nordic comedians are spreading the message of climate change’s effects on the population.

Schools and colleges are adapting to the students’ role in climate change by involving climate change college campaigns. Environmental education is taking shape in colleges, something evident in essay writing by Nordic students.

How the Nordics Are Standing Up to Climate Change
Gathered at the climate summit in Helsinki, from back left: Norway’s Minister of Climate and Environment Ola Elvestuen; Denmark’s Minister of Energy, Utilities and Climate Lars Christian Lilleholt; Norway’s Prime Minister Erna Solberg; Finland’s Prime Minister Juha Sipilä; Iceland’s Prime Minister Katrin Jakobsdóttir; Sweden’s Minister for International Development Cooperation and Climate, and Deputy Prime Minister Isabella Lövin; and Iceland’s Minister for the Environment and Natural Resources Guðmundur Ingi Guðbrandsson. Photographer: Laura Kotila/Valtioneuvoston kanslia

There are environmental activists in the forefront and the Nordic governments have given them the freedom to spread their campaigns without interruptions, even as the Nordic youth are taking part as sustainable change-makers towards a transition to sustainable consumption and production of renewable energy.

The awareness campaigns also greatly lie in the hands of Nordic students as they write blogs, articles and essays to spread their ideas and views. When students write in their papers about climate change, it is sure to be revolutionary. If you are also of similar views, you can refer to EduZaurus for free essay samples on climate change and much more. After all, it’s a global issue, so it needs global participation from students.

Related: TV Documentary on Earth’s Climate Change Visits Norway 

How the Nordics Are Standing Up to Climate Change
To enhance cooperation and focus on the Nordic climatic change goals, the administration has come up with key organizations and initiatives

Nordic’s Progressive Policies to Combat Climate Change
The Nordic governments are working on the implementation of policies designed towards the reduction of carbon emissions to mitigate climate change while at the same time working towards sustainable economic growth.

Some of the policies include:

  • Social responsibility for adaptation of green energy policies:
    The industries agree with government policies and are setting the factories to lower levels of emissions and Nordic’s are currently the highest importers of electric cars.
  • Nordic forests and carbon sinks aimed at increasing the forest cover
  • Creation of local market opportunities for consumption of green technology
  • Tapping the most into the renewable resources: The Nordic government is committed to maximally tapping into wind power, hydro, geo, and biofuel energy resources.

All these key policies are tied to climate change mitigation in the short term and the long-term vision of the Nordic administration. The education department is not left behind in these policies and the government is engaging college student empowerment on the knowledge of government’s green policies.

Related: New Wind Energy Record Set by Denmark 

How the Nordics Are Standing Up to Climate Change
Any slight change in global warming impacts the Nordic nations massively due to their proximity to the arctic circle

Formation of Key Nordic Organizations and Initiatives
To enhance cooperation and focus on the Nordic climatic change goals, the administration has come up with key organizations and initiatives like:

  • Nordic Council of Ministers: promoting green growth initiative.
  • Nordic Way Website: featuring examples of Nordic green initiative
  • Nordic Development Fund: financing green initiatives in other continents
  • Nordic Climate Facility: transfer of green knowledge to developing nations.
  • Nordic Investment Bank: supporting green-friendly investments

How the Nordics Are Standing Up to Climate Change – Conclusion
Any slight change in global warming impacts the Nordic nations massively due to their proximity to the arctic circle. As a result, the Nordic administration is at the forefront of implementing the 2016 Paris Agreement (UNFCCC), where nations agreed to mitigate, adapt, and finance programs that work against greenhouse emissions. Every government project within the Nordic region is set to operate within the key progressive policies for combating climate change.

How the Nordics Are Standing Up to Climate Change is written exclusively for Daily Scandinavian by Emma Rundle. Emma works for an environmental NGO as a senior program manager and looks after the global warming control initiatives in North America. She’s a part-time academic writer and helps students write essays and research papers around this topic and everything around science and technology. Her free time is for watching movies, playing with pets and writing poems.

Feature image (on top): Photo: Vita Thomsen/

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Journalist, PR and marketing consultant Tor Kjolberg has several degrees in marketing management. He started out as a marketing manager in Scandinavian companies and his last engagement before going solo was as director in one of Norway’s largest corporations. Tor realized early on that writing engaging stories was more efficient and far cheaper than paying for ads. He wrote hundreds of articles on products and services offered by the companies he worked for. Thus, he was attuned to the fact that storytelling was his passion.