Living on a Star in Oslo


We are Living on a Star is the main contemporary exhibition at Henie Onstad Kunstsenter (HOK) this year.

The Hannah Ryggen tapestry We are living on a star is the leitmotif for the main contemporary exhibition at HOK this year. The tapestry hung in the government building which was bombed July 22, 2011. This exhibition intends to investigate the wound after July 22, with the concept of normality as its point of departure.

Performance programme:
Marthe Ramm FortunI samme rom:  Februray 2nd &16th. March 2nd, 16th & 30th. April 13th & 27th at 2PM.

Julian BlaueScenefilososfisk fakultet for kunstbasert terrorforskning: March 16th 11 AM -5 PM (in Norwegian).

Burak Arikan, Doug Ashford, Julian Blaue, Martin Braathen med Marius Engh, Even Smith Wergeland og Superunion Architects, Marthe Ramm Fortun, Hanne Friis, Else Marie Hagen, Silje Linge Haaland, Per-Oskar Leu, Lotte Konow Lund, Jumana Manna, Eline McGeorge, Eva Rothschild, Hannah Ryggen, Ahlam Shibli and Javier Téllez.

Hannah Ryggen, Vi lever på en stjerne (1958). Photo: Steffen Wesselvold Holden/Nordenfjeldske Kunstindustrimuseum.
Hannah Ryggen, Vi lever på en stjerne (1958). Photo: Steffen Wesselvold Holden/Nordenfjeldske Kunstindustrimuseum.

Tone Hansen and Marit Paasche

Henie Onstad Kunstsenter (HOK) was established in 1968 as a donation of the collectors Sonja Henie and Niels Onstad. The choice of “Kunstsenter,” rather than “museum,” was deliberate, signaling that HOK was to be not only a keeper of a strong modern European core collection, but also a producer of contemporary, experimental art.


Today HOK is one of Norway’s leading venues for Norwegian and International contemporary and 20th century art. The Kunstsenter is an active arena for debate and social critique, with a broad commitment to the arts and its audience. Its expertise, collections and historical identity lie in the interdisciplinary field, with special emphasis on the relationship between art, music, performance and the historical avant-garde.

The HOK collection consists of more than 4000 objects, ranging from its core collection of high modernist work—with a focus on the French School with Pierre Soulages, Maurice Estève, Hans Hartung, Picasso, Matisse, Juan Gris et al to special collections of the Fluxus and Cobra movements, as well as a permanent sculpture garden.

HOK is a major supporter of artists in the production of new art and new expressions, and works actively to create new knowledge that is communicated through papers, catalogs and anthologies, published internationally. HOK collaborates actively with other art and educational institutions internationally to co-produce exhibitions, seminars and publications. Prisma records (a HOK label) continues its singular tradition of releasing unique, commissioned, new and historic works by experimental and electronic sound artists, many of which accompany exhibitions at HOK.

HOK is located on the Oslo Fjord peninsula, approximately 10 km south of Oslo. The art center is a popular destination and its scenic location and distinctive building bring together unique qualities of Norway. The Director since August 2011 is Tone Hansen.

Watch Living on a Star, in Oslo at the HOK.