Norwegian Dream


Grammy nominated electro-pop duo “The Green Children” with Milla Sunde (from Norway and Marlow Bevan (from UK) ‘s video release takes you on a journey into a “Norwegian Dream”of Norway’s mystique and breathtaking scenery.

The video envisions Milla Sundes love for her country’s stunning nature with a refreshing remake of Jan Hammer’s “Crockett’s theme”.

The Green Children are a Europea musical duo who writes and self-produces atmospheric electro-pop music. Milla Sunde (born 17 December 1983), from Norway, and Marlow Bevan (born 4 October 1984), from England, also established The Green Children Foundation, to support microcredit, education and healthcare. In 2005, they traveled to Bangladesh and visited Grameen Bank, known as ‘the bank for the poor’. It was here they met Professor Muhammad Yunus, who is the father of the ‘microcredit’ movement.

After meeting so many empowered poor women, they were inspired to get more involved. The Green Children Foundation is designed to help shine a light on the positive people and solutions that are making a real difference in the world.

To this date, the foundation has supported a new eye care hospital in Bangladesh, student scholarships, new microfinance projects, orphaned children and animals in need.

Las summer they released their first Green Children tune to feature vocals in Sunde’s native Norwegian tongue, titled “Norwegian Dream”. The song is a derivative work of instrumental hit “Crocket’s Theme” (and that is the Miami Vice theme song, yes).

“Norwegian Theme” is off the Green Children’s sophomore release Connection.

Credits for “Norwegian Dream”
Music: Jan Hammer
Lyrics: The Green Children
Published by: Universal Music Publishing (ASCAP)

Compiled by Lars Thomas Tanskanen