Norwegian Film invited to Film Festival in Canada


The movie Louder Than Bombs directed by Norwegian director Joachim Trier has been invited to participate in one of the world’s biggest film festivals in Toronto in September.

Joachim Trier did not receive the Golden Palm from the film festival in Cannes last May, but he may now compete for the Public’s Prize during the Toronto International Film Festival.

200815-loader-than-bombs-poster Notable pics making their North American bows in Special Presentations include Joachim Trier’s “Louder Than Bombs.”

“Trier is one of our times’ most capable young directors. His films are characterized by his innovative approximation to storytelling and psychological and moral complexity. I cannot think of other film makers, whose work I am looking more forward to,” says Steve Gravestock at the Toronto Film Festival in a press release from Norwegian Film Institute.

Last year during Special Presentations Liv Ullman’s Miss Julie was presented. Earlier this year Kon Tiki and the Headhunters were shown.

Louder then Bombs sold extremely well during the film festival in France and has so far been sold to 76 countries.
Norwegian Film invited to Film Festival in Canada, source NTB