Norwegian Photographer Exhibiting in New York

Norwegian Photographer Exhibiting in New York

Norwegian photographer Morten Golimo is exhibiting in Gallery Rivaa in New York from 20 April through 12 May. The exhibition is called ‘Nordic Mystique’.

Golimo’s work provide a sense of wonderment, a connection to Nordic mythology, a world wherein trolls, elves and all other good and evil underground beings inhabit the earth. His photos are deeply evocative: the viewer can feel the mist or a spray of water, hear the wind and smell the deep pine forests.

Norwegian Photographer Exhibiting in New York
Dancing Troll, by Morten Golimo

Norwegian moods in all its glory
One of the photographer’s strength is his ability to capture a magic moment, opening up all your senses, transporting the viewer into Nordic wonder. You can smell the sea air, feel the mist, hear the water’s rhythm.

Related: The Road to Norway

Morten Golimo began his career as a journalist but decided to shift to photography about a decade ago. Now, he cre­ates large for­mat dig­i­tally ad­justed pho­tos of the nat­ural world in all its glory. Golimo is well known in Norway, but this is his first exhibition in the United States, after a recent exhibit at the Norwegian Seamen’s Church in New York.

Norwegian Photographer Exhibiting in New York
“A pho¬to¬graph is a sweet, lib¬er¬at¬ing ‘lie’ that takes us away from re¬al¬ity into a time¬less room where truth is ab¬sent,” says Golimo

Golimo’s photographic works have also turned into a book with photographs and words for heart and soul. “This book is a document of my fascination with forests, water, imagination, mist and Norwegian folklore,” he says.

Related: Language of the Vikings

Atmospheric Vistas in large formats
At­mos­pheric vis­tas are Golimo’s spe­cialty, and his love of Nor­way’s dra­matic scenery is pal­pa­ble, and even his pho­to­graphs’ ti­tles give a hint of the emo­tion be­hind his works: “Dancing Troll”, “Blue Yearning” and “Hulder Night”.

“A pho­to­graph is a sweet, lib­er­at­ing ‘lie’ that takes us away from re­al­ity into a time­less room where truth is ab­sent, where time ceases to ex­ist and we’re al­lowed to see things that the eye can­not cap­ture. Many of my pic­tures are long-ex­po­sure pho­tographs. Every­thing looks dif­fer­ent when it is taken with 30 sec­onds’ ex­po­sure time com­pared to one-hun­dredth of a sec­ond. Waves in a storm blur out and con­vert to a soft du­vet over the shore­line. In pho­tog­ra­phy, time can tame the storm,” says Morten Gulimo.

Related: Nordic Nature Photographer of the Year

Norwegian Photographer Exhibiting in New York
The photographs of Morten Golimo have also turned into a book

About Gallery RIVAA
RIVAA  (Roosevelt Island Visual Art Association) has a membership of approximately thirty-five artists dedicated to establishing an art center in a unique island location on the East River in New York, bridging Manhattan and Long Island City.

The Roosevelt Island Artists Association organized the “Art Frenzy” exhibition in association with PS1, Queens Council for the Arts, LIC Business Corp, Socrates Park and the Noguchi Museum in May of 2001. The success of this group art exhibition inspired the founding of RIVAA in June of 2001.

Gallery RIVAA opened in the hub of Main Street, with space and a grant provided by Roosevelt Island Operating Cooperation (RIOC).  The support of the community along with the hard work and dedication of the founding members and of the ethnically diverse group of artist members brought the gallery to fruition. Following a complete renovation of a former pharmacy located in the RIVERCROSS complex, the grand opening took place in March 2002,

Feature image (on top): Morten Gulimo’s ‘Hulder Night’

Norwegian Photographer Exhibiting in New York, written by Tor Kjolberg