Oslo International Hub is welcoming internationals with the first-ever “Oslo Welcome Week”, starting today Thursday 31 August.
“Oslo Welcome Week“ ’17 is a pilot, preparing for OWW ’18. We hope to contribute to Oslo becoming an even warmer city for internationals moving here,” says founder of Oslo International House, Jørn Lein-Mathisen. OWW is here to welcome internationals and repatriated Norwegians back to Oslo after summer, no matter how long since they arrived first time,” he adds.

Oslo Welcome Week is organized by International House in Oscarsgate 27, right behind the royal palace and run by the incubator Oslo International Hub, the only incubator in Norway focused on internationals. From today throughought next week internationals and repatriated Norwegians are invited to a host of different events, and more are still being added. “We are just these last days inviting any other institution in Oslo to add to the OWW program” says Lein-Mathisen, continuing “any event held in any language but Norwegian, that is open to any internationals and focused on the values of cosmopolitanism, business and creating your own future”.

In fact, OWW opens this Thursday afternoon 5.00 – 8.00 pm with French Market 2017.
This is the third French market, arranged jointly between French-Norwegian Chamber of Commerce, Atout France, France Alumni Norvège and Oslo International Hub. Members and business people with any connection to France can mingle with an international business community and discover a selection of French products and services, as well as enjoy the yearly summer party at the International House.

When the International House was awarded “Oslo Garden of the Year 2016”, Elisabeth Kalsnes, CEO of Oslo International Hub, said, “We are very proud to receive this award for our garden in the heart of the embassy district behind the royal palace.”
Friday 1 September follows with weekly Friday International Lounge, from 3.30 – 6.00 pm. Every Friday international professionals meet at International House in a relaxed atmosphere. When the weather allows, the participants are enjoying the surroundings in the beautiful “royal” garden – ir even going sailung together – so check our Facebook page. You are free to bring a bottle or snacks to share, and are encouraged to bring business cards and your smile. Alternatively to the garden, the state of the art Conference room does just fine. At 4 o’clock starts a tour of International House. These Friday lounges are organized jointly by Oslo International Hub and Oslo International Club. For those who want to continue the evening in a fashionable manner, Litteraturhuset Café is just down the block.

“Embrace that you are more than just Norwegian. Give your international self to co-create this cosmopolitan city that Oslo has become. By internationals, for internationals,” says Lein-Mathisen.
Saturday 2 September at 2.00 pm until midnight is The Summer Networking Barbecue Festival.
This is a collaboration of the most influential social, startup and entrepreneurial networks in Oslo, where the startup and expat community of the city meets up for the largest Summer Networking Event in this area this year – all while having nice drinks, talks, opportunities and excellent BBQ. Organizers: Oslo International Hub are among others New to Oslo (facebook-group), DrinkEntrepeneurs Oslo, Expats in Oslo, HUB.no, Millenials in Oslo and Alfaskolen.
To register for this event click here!
There will be several Barbecue options, including Vegan. Unique, handmade, and delicious food is served. The raffle includes one of Alfaskolen’s professional Norwegian courses, tailored to the winner’s skill level – as well as a two part-time desks at International House.
There is limited program by design, this is all about mingling. But the garden opens at 2.00pm, a short tour of International House is offered at 2.30pm before an official welcome at 3.30pm followed by another tour of the House. At 4.00pm we have a fireplace chat on innovation trends: How London corporates are trying out new models for outsourcing innovation. Jerome Andries is CFO at the leading HIV company Viiv, about to take on the CFO role for all R&D in pharma giant GSK.
The party moves indoor around 9 o’clock to continue eating, drinking and having fun until late.
To register for this event click here!
“Oslo has become a very cosmopolitan place, much more so than when I last lived in Oslo ten years ago.” said So Takahashi, graphic design guru, when he visited International House earlier this month.

Monday 4 September 12.00 – 12.30 pm is the Informal International Lunch where the participants bring their own lunch and listen to a 5 minutes presentation of a hot topic, followed by questions and answers as well as mingling. This is organized every Monday at 12pm at International House.

“International House is the leading arena for internationally-minded professionals in Norway,” says Jørn Lein-Mathisen.
Wednesday 6 September 4.00 – 5.00 pm: Club Diplomatique Summer reception (By Invite Only – for diplomats, bilateral chambers etc)
Welcome drink and mingling, then followed by short program – and then the OWW party. The program ask if “good” values matter in international business today? More so?
– All Norwegian businesses (receiving public funds) must follow the 2015 UN Guiding Principles on human rights, by Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (TBC)
– Norwegian business as a force for good globally, by Kirsten Sandberg Natvig, RBAdvisors
– Being businessworthy – common values in purpose-driven companies. By Per Saxegaard, founder Business for Peace Foundation.
Wednesday 6 September 5.00 – 7.30+: OWW Party
Drinks and mingling with the International House community – Oslo Welcome Week. Drinks and food for sale. Organized by: Chamber of Commerce – France, Israel, Ukraine, Nigeria, Litauen, Columbia (musica!) and International House.

Wednesday 6 September 6.30 – 7.30 pm Oslo International Rotary Club
As every Wednesday at International House, the only English-language Rotary Club in the Oslo region has its meeting 6.30-7.30pm. Guests are always welcome, but better connect beforehand.
Thurday 7 September 4.00 – 7.00pm:
Inspirational Forum #LoveWhatYouDo
Topics like
– Bring Love and Passion to your Work
– Get inspired and
– Start changing your life
This event is for YOU and about YOU.
*Passionate and inspiring people
*True stories
*Great content and new ideas
*Insights and advice
*Mingling and wine
Amazing people with different experience and backgrounds will come together.
No matter what you do if you do it with love its already a success.
The speakers will share their true stories, – Stories of successes and failures. They will open their hearts for YOU. Hear from the people who believe that creating things with passion and love can change the world. And they do change it!
For more information, program and tickets click
Organizers: Love What you do, Oslo International Hub
And once again it’s Friday and time for another Friday International Lounge.
Friday 8 Septeptember 4.30 – 5.30 pm: Friday International Lounge
Program as of 1 September.
Saturday 9 September 8pm, English-language Comedy Club
A cool event around the corner from International House is the Comedy Club. Good members discount for members of Oslo International Club and Oslo International Hub, mention your membership at the door. Cash only.
Oslo International Hub
OIH, the incubator that runs International House, is helping under-utilized international talent to package and sell their competence – no matter if they do tech or consulting or anything else.
Oslo International Hub was started in 2013. During the first year, more than 70 startup companies moved in, and in the same time period a new startup concept was conceived from the synergies between the different startup companies. These synergies are what make the Hub unique.
“We are helping qualified expats in Norway to use their talents and contribute to our country’s economic growth,” says founder Jørn Lein-Mathisen in Oslo International Hub. “Our hairy goal is to increase our foreign trade with at least 1% annually. So far we are well on our way – having created what is the closest thing to a world trade center in Norway for now,” he adds.
Oslo Welcome Week, edited by Tor Kjolberg