Safe Swimming in Denmark’s North Sea


The first sea pool in Denmark was opened two weeks ago in Nørre Vorupør in northern Jutland. Now visitors can enjoy swimming in the sea in safer conditions.


Vesterhavet, the name given to Denmark’s North Sea area around this region of Denmark, has been a tourist trap for many years because high waves and dangerous rip currents made swimming in the sea quite dangerous.

The new 50 x 50 meter sea pool, which opened on Saturday July 14, is similar to Copenhagen’s Islands Brygge Harbour Bath, but is constructed out of a beach. A wall fitted with hatchets stops the dangerous waves from getting in but allows fresh sea water to flow in. At the back end of the pool you’ll find a beach, and along the other three sides you may enjoy the promenades.

The local council believes that the pool will attract more tourists and therefore is a sound investment to the area. The official opening of the pool is however on August 15, so until then there will probably still be ongoing construction work.

In North Vorupør you may also experience The Jutland Aquarium  (JyllandsAkvariet) which is one of the smaller aquariums in Denmark – located almost as far west in Denmark as possible and just next to the North Sea. Almost all the fish at this aquarium come from the North Sea.   In the small fishing villages of North Vorupør and Stenbjerg Landing, you can witness fishermen dragging their boats up onto the shore after a day out at sea.

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