Scandinavian Winners of the 2014 College Photographers of the Year Competition


More than 600 students from more than 100 colleges and universities participate in the yearly competition College Photographer of the Year.  This year, for the 69th time,  Scandinavian students were awarded 21 prizes.

The winners of 2014 were selected from 11,024 still images, 82 portfolios, 456 picture stories and 169 multimedia stories and projects entered by 545 students.

Here are the Scandinavian prize winners:

Spot News
Bronze – Katinka Hustad – Høgskolgen i Oslo og Akershus

After the annexing of Crimea, NATO is concerned about Russia’s agenda regarding Balticum. Narva in Estonia is situated at the Russian border and 90 percent of the inhabitants speak Russian. The Petrov family has some quite days in their summer cabin. Their daughter, Aline Petrov (9), is inside with a broken arm, watching Russian child television.

The photo was taken on a travel through the three Baltic EU- and NATO- member countries with Russian minorities, thus causing concern about Russian attempts of destabilizing, like the ones which have been experienced in Ukraine.

Baltikum - Narva

General News
Bronze – Daniel Ekbladh – Danish School of Journalism
Award of Excellence – Kasper Palsnov – Danish School of Journalism
Award of Excellence – Asger Ladefoged – Danish School of Journalism

Kasper Palsnov is a freelance photo journalist  living in Copenhagen. He studied photo journalism at the Danish School of Media and Journalism in Aarhus and is a founding member of the photo collective MINT  as well as the editor of the web magazine Atlas.

His Award of Excellence photograph appearing in the Danish Newspaper Berlingske Tidende‘s general news section (children and football) shows the young football player Marcus (feature image on top).  It is January and it’s freezing but Marcus Jørgensen, age 10, carries out the soccer balls for another training. Together with his teammates he practices two hours three times a week and is one of the most talented players of his age in Denmark.

“The paper wanted me to shoot an image from football practice,” says Palsnov, “so I began my photo session in the dressing room, searching for special situations ahead of the practice match. I am proud of this photo, especially since the judges  said, ‘A photograph is not only about pressing the shutter button at the right time, but also finding the mood and the thoughts behind a motif’.  My mission had turned into success.”

Kasper Palsnov also won the Gold prize in the section “Sports Feature” and Award of Excellence in the section “Interpretive Project” (see below).

The photo by Asker Ladefoged (below) shows a grup Syrian men preparing for the night. They love and work in the unfinished building in the MarMichael district in Beirut. About two million people live in the capital and its suburbs, about 320,000 of these are refugees.


Bronze – Peter Klint – Danish School of Journalism
Award of Excellence – Betina N. Garcia – Danish School of Journalism

Sports Feature
Gold – Kasper Palsnov – Danish School of Journalism

Silver – Trondur Dalsgard – Danish School of Journalism
Award of Excellence – Mohammadreza Soltani – Danish School of Journalism
Award of Excellence – Katinka Hustad – Høgskolgen i Oslo og Akershus

Trondur Dalsgard’s picture “Boys from Fur”.

Fur  is a 22 square kilometers island in the Limfjord, Denmark with only 825 inhabitants.  Niels Lykke-Sørensen is in sixth grade at the local school. “We’re a boys-only class. There were girls in our class a couple of years ago, but they all left the island, but I still like it here and I would like to live here when I grow up, maybe get a job on the mainland and have a house here – hopefully an exciting job, as a real estate agent perhaps.”

Interpretive Project
Award of Excellence – Kasper Palsnov – Danish School of Journalism

Domestic Picture Story
Gold – Mathias Svold – Danish School of Journalism
Award of Excellence – Erik Pettersson – Nordens Fotoskola, Sweden

Erik Petterson tells Daily Scandinavian, “I approached the man, Tomas, portrayed in the picture after having seen a report on him in the local news. He had moved from southern Sweden to Paittasjärvi in 2009 with his dog and they are the only permanent inhabitants in the community. Paittasjärvi was considered a ghost area before Tomas moved there.

In the above image he has just collected wood from his wood pile. Winters up north in Paittasjärvi can be extremely cold with temperatures down to minus 40 C (-104F), so one need lots of firewood to keep the temperature pleasant. The image contains many different elements depicting the scanty surroundings and the brutal climate. In addition all the images in this series portray a relationship between the man and his dog.


You can read more about Erik Petterson here

International Picture Story
Gold – Vancon Laetitia – Danish School of Journalism
Silver – Michael Drost-Hansen – Danish School of Journalism
Bronze – Simon Hastegård – Mid Sweden University
Award of Excellence – Matthew Busch – Danish School of Journalism

Silver – Lars Just – Danish School of Journalism

More about Lars Just can be found at

Just also won Award of Excellence in the section “Portfolio” (see below)

Award of Excellence – Lars Just – Danish School of Journalism 

Individual Multimedia Atory or Essay
Bronze – Anton Ligaarden – Høgskolgen i Oslo og Akershus

Multimedia Project
Silver – Line Ørnes Søndergaard – Høgskolgen i Oslo og Akershus

The winning image by Line Ørnes Søndergaard shows Hans-Petter Nykaas at the bedside in his Scania.


Congratulations to all the scandinavian winners of the 2014 College Photographers of the Year Competition from Daily Scandinavian!

All photographs published with kind permission from the winners.