Second-Hand is the New E-Commerce Revolution in Sweden

Second-Hand is the New E-Commerce Revolution in Sweden

In addition to second-hand products, recycled materials like suede, denim and duck canvas can be remade and be given new life. Sustainability and second-hand is the new e-commerce revolution in Sweden.

Two of three Swedish consumers have bought at least one second-hand item in the past year. The largest categories within the second-hand segment include furniture, consumer electronics and clothing, each of which is estimated to have a turnover of more than SEK 3 billion per year.

The average second-hand consumer in Sweden makes four purchases per year, where most transactions are made within the clothing sector. Given the economic and environmental benefits that second-hand implies, the growth is expected to remain strong.

Second-Hand is the New E-Commerce Revolution in Sweden
Two of three Swedish consumers have bought at least one second-hand item in the past year.

It all started in 2015, when the Swedish Environmental Research Institute (IVL) rolled out the Second Hand Effect-project.

Sweden is big on sustainability, and sustainable practices like waste sorting and second-hand shopping are almost a norm. Besides buying vintage products at a bargain price, shopping second-hand helps reduce carbon emissions, saves resources, and prevents waste.

“We see great potential for second-hand purchases and a lot of advantages in fostering its growth. In particular, it goes hand in hand with our sustainability focus. We have worked hard to develop a consumer-friendly and convenient C2C service and look forward to making it available to Swedish consumers,” said David Lundqvist, Chief Commercial Officer at Instabox.

The assumption is that each used product sold replaces the production of a new equivalent product.

Here are some popular places for second-hand e-shopping in Sweden.

Second-Hand is the New E-Commerce Revolution in Sweden Blocket is a massive second-hand site where you can buy fairly-used cars, furniture, bicycles, electronics, and more. To shop on Blocket, you need to register on the site by entering some personal details, however, registration is absolutely free. After you have registered, enter your location, what you are searching for, and click away!

Second-Hand is the New E-Commerce Revolution in Sweden

Facebook Marketplace is one of the most popular places to shop for second-hand items in Sweden. Whether you are looking to buy clothing, books, furniture, household equipment, shoes, kitchenware, bicycles, cars, or children’s toys, this is your one-stop shop. More so, you may get high-quality items for free if you are lucky.

Second-Hand is the New E-Commerce Revolution in Sweden

Sellpy is an online store for buying second-hand items like clothing, accessories, and footwear. On this site, you will find second-hand items from popular brands like Zara, H&M, ARKET, Ralph Lauren, Nike, Adidas, Monki, and the likes. The great part is that you get the same quality at a very affordable price.

Second-Hand is the New E-Commerce Revolution in SwedenTradera is an online marketplace where you can easily buy second-hand items. You can search for anything on the site, from kitchenware, clothing items, footwear, antiques, to accessories. Tradera also has an app that you can download on Applestore or Playstore.

And if you happen to be in Sweden, you’ll find a brick-and-mortar second-hand store in nearly every city in Sweden. Here are just a few suggestions:

Arkivet: This is one of the most fashionable second-hand stores in Sweden. They sell a great variety of clothes from popular brands, and the best part is that their clothes are way cheaper and always in perfect condition!

Beyond Retro: If you are a vintage clothing lover, this store is a must-visit. Their prices may not be as budget-friendly, but you will find a range of special pieces.

Busfrö: You can find their stores in many cities in Sweden, they usually have clothes for children, women and men, and also items for the house.

Second-Hand is the New E-Commerce Revolution in Sweden
Erikshjälpen, Linköping

Erikshjälpen: If you are in Gothenburg or its environs, you may want to check out Erikshjälpen. Their stores are located in the city center, Västra Frölunda, and Kungsbacka. They sell mostly clothing for children and adults, antiques, kitchenware, furniture, footwear, and toys. Their items are usually neat and prices are very affordable. Have a look at Erikshjälpen website as they have many stores around the country and also an online shop.

Myrorna: You can find this store in nearly all of the big cities in Sweden. Their store in Gothenburg has four floors! The first floor has all the furniture, textiles, and kitchenware. From the second floor and up you can find a great selection of clothes beautifully displayed by color.

Stadsmissionen: They sell everything from clothes to interior designs at very affordable prices. If you are in Gothenburg or Stockholm, you may want to check out their branches scattered around the cities. You can also donate some items that you no longer use to the store.

Remember this: Secondhand trade is an important contribution to a sustainable world.

Second-Hand is the New E-Commerce Revolution in Sweden, compiled by Tor Kjolberg