Spectacular Gaustadtoppen in Norway


The mountain road over Gaustatoppen between Rjukan and Tuddal is a spectacular scenic experience.
You start off up the narrow, steep, twisting road from Tuddal and continue up to Flistjønnskaret at an altitude of 1,260 meters. This is one of the highest mountain passes in Norway, and from here you can see Gaustatoppen towering magnificently above you on your left with Heddersvann lake on your right.

Further on you will pass Svineroi, where there is a turning off to the right to the area around Gausta and Kvitåvatn, where there are several hotels and other places offering accommodation and various different activities.

From Svineroi, the road winds its way down to Rjukan.

The photos in this article are from the book Gaustatoppen sett fra oven (Gaustatoppen seen from above) taken by our associate photographer Lasse Tur.

See other books by Lasse Tur here.

Read also Pictures from above.

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Spectacular Gaustadtoppen in Norway.
