Sweden – A Country of Immense Variety


From sophisticated Stockholm to mountain wilderness, Sweden offers the traveler immense variety.

Not long ago, Sweden was an introverted country perched uneasily on the edge of Western Europe. Many Swedes talked about travelling “to Europe” as if it was on a different continent. All that changed with the country’s admission to the European Union in the 1990s and the opening in 2000 of the Öresund bridge between Sweden and Denmark.

Sweden – A Country of Immense Variety
The Örestund bridge tunnel connects Denmark and Sweden

The Swedes finally became “good Europeans”; in turn, the outside world began to discover the country’s hidden delights. More visitors every year flock to the bustling cultural venters of Stockholm, Gothenburg and Malmö, or escape into the rural regions or the vast wilderness areas of Lapland.

Sweden – A Country of Immense Variety
From Kiruna, Sweden’s Lapland

Sweden is ideal for those who like the great outdoors and activities such as angling, golf, riding, fell-walking, skiing, sailing or canoeing. Even the capital city Stockholm, is a place of waterways and green spaces, flanked by thousands of uninhabited islands.

Sweden – A Country of Immense Variety
Stockholm harbor

The flat, fertile south, including Skåne, was part of Denmark for centuries: a faintly Danish accent persists. South-central Sweden is dominated by the great lakes of Vänern and Vättern, the hub of a vast waterway network. Visitors can sail across the widest part of the country along the Göta Kanal, which links Stockholm to Gothenburg.

Sweden – A Country of Immense Variety
From Skåne

Sweden’s heartland holds Dalarne, a province that guards the country’s oldest folk traditions. From here, the lovely Inlandsbanan railway runs north into the Arctic, home to the indigenous Sami, many of whom still herd reindeer across Scandinavia’s remote mountains.

Sweden – A Country of Immense Variety
The lovely Inlandsbanan railway runs north into the Arctic

Culturally, state-of-the-art museums, well-oreserved historical sites like the Viking capital Birka, and the homes of artists such as Carl Larsson, who inspired the clean lines of contemporary Swedish design, are unique attractions.

Sweden – A Country of Immense Variety
Gothenburg Symphony Orchestra

Gothenburg’s Symphony Orchestra is in the top rank of world orchestras, and Sweden is increasingly admired as a center of gastronomic excellence.

Christmas eve, by Carl Larsson 1904

In winter, visitors are lured by the Northern Lights, the renowned Ice hotel – and the magic of a Swedish Christmas, with its traditional markets, brightly decorated streets and St. Lucia processions.

Feature image (on top) From Fjällbäcka

Written by Tor Kjolberg.

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Breathtaking Norway
Fun-loving Denmark

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Journalist, PR and marketing consultant Tor Kjolberg has several degrees in marketing management. He started out as a marketing manager in Scandinavian companies and his last engagement before going solo was as director in one of Norway’s largest corporations. Tor realized early on that writing engaging stories was more efficient and far cheaper than paying for ads. He wrote hundreds of articles on products and services offered by the companies he worked for. Thus, he was attuned to the fact that storytelling was his passion.