The World’s Biggest Sandcastle in Denmark

The World’s Biggest Sandcastle in Denmark

Enlisted in Guinness World Records, the sandcastle in Denmark is 21.16 meters (69.4 ft) in height. The sandcastle beat the previous record holder by 3 meters (10 feet). Find out more about the world’s biggest sandcastle in Denmark.

The sandcastle in Denmark is built in the small seaside town Blokhus and weights nearly 5.000 tons and beats the earlier Guinness World Records holder from 2019, Düngen in Germany. The intricately decorated structure is reminiscent of a pyramid.

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30 of the world’s best sand sculptors
The creator of the castle, Dutchman Wilfred Stijger, had the world’s 30 best sand sculptors assisting him throughout his castle building journey. He said he wanted the castle to represent the power the coronavirus has had over the world since the beginning of the pandemic. On top of the sandcastle is a model of the virus wearing a crown.

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The World’s Biggest Sandcastle in Denmark
The creator of the castle, Dutchman Wilfred Stijger, had the world’s 30 best sand sculptors assisting him throughout his castle building journey. Source: Twitter

A coronavirus inspired sandcastle
So, this sandcastle is not just the world’s largest sandcastle, it’s possibly the world’s first coronavirus-inspired sandcastle. “We’ve created the sandcastle to represent the power the coronavirus has held over the world,” said Dutch artist Wilfred Stijger. “It’s ruling our lives everywhere. It tells you what to do…. It tells you to stay away from your family and not go to nice places. Don’t do activities, stay home”, he added.

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The sand contains 10% clay, and a layer of glue has been applied to the sand to make it more cohesive. Thus, it can stand up to the chilly and windy conditions during the cold season in Denmark. The sandcastle is expected to stand until February or March 2022.

The World’s Biggest Sandcastle in Denmark
The sandcastle in Denmark is built in the small seaside town Blokhus .

The World’s Biggest Sandcastle in Denmark, written by Tor Kjolberg

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Journalist, PR and marketing consultant Tor Kjolberg has several degrees in marketing management. He started out as a marketing manager in Scandinavian companies and his last engagement before going solo was as director in one of Norway’s largest corporations. Tor realized early on that writing engaging stories was more efficient and far cheaper than paying for ads. He wrote hundreds of articles on products and services offered by the companies he worked for. Thus, he was attuned to the fact that storytelling was his passion.