Viking Burial Treasure discovered in the Middle of the Capital of Norway

Viking Burial Treasure discovered in the Middle of the Capital of Norway

During construction work in December last year, the remains of a shield and a cape buckle were uncovered in Oslo. This rear Viking burial treasure were in fact discovered in the middle of the capital of Norway.

Archeologists were brought in to excavate a site on the upper side of a small pond called Holmendammen. Plans to build a new detached house on a plot of land by the dam triggered an archaeological survey of the site. Marianne Bugge Kræmer was in charge of the resulting investigation.

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Viking Burial Treasure discovered in the Middle of the Capital of Norway
Holmendammen, Oslo. Photo: Ice News

Viking Burial Treasure discovered in the Middle of the Capital of Norway, read more….

This was probably a quiet area during the Viking age, but is a residential area on the Oslo’s west side today.

Viking Burial Treasure discovered in the Middle of the Capital of Norway
Holmendammen was used to make ice. Photo A. B. Wilse..

“This location has been a prominent hill, clearly visible in the terrain and with a great view,” says Kræmer to She is an archaeologist at the Oslo Municipality Cultural Heritage Management Office. “The grave was located directly under a thin layer of topsoil and turf right on the east side of the highest point on the site,” she continued.

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Viking Burial Treasure discovered in the Middle of the Capital of Norway
Archaeologist Marianne Bugge Kræmer was in charge of the resulting investigation.

According to the archeologists, knives, a sickle and horse equipment as well as cremated human remains were also found.

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This is the first time a Viking Age grave rich in artefacts has been found in Oslo. Holmendammen was built at the beginning of the 20th century after the Holmenbekken was dammed. The dam was used to make ice.

Viking Burial Treasure discovered in the Middle of the Capital of Norway, written by Tor Kjolberg

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Journalist, PR and marketing consultant Tor Kjolberg has several degrees in marketing management. He started out as a marketing manager in Scandinavian companies and his last engagement before going solo was as director in one of Norway’s largest corporations. Tor realized early on that writing engaging stories was more efficient and far cheaper than paying for ads. He wrote hundreds of articles on products and services offered by the companies he worked for. Thus, he was attuned to the fact that storytelling was his passion.