Watch a Norwegian Mountain Lake…


… or rather bring it with you in your own watch. Ladies’ watch Lady Fjord is designed by a former Norwegian physiotherapist, Rune Bruvik. It consists of a chamber filled with water from Norwegian mountain lakes. While the mantra of the industry has been to keep water out, Bruvik incorporates the floating element in the very watch.

These steep, water filled valleys carved out by ancient glaciers are spectacularly beautiful. Still, water is water, some might say, but isn’t there something special about a drop of water traveling down a small river in the western Norwegian mountains, about to rush over the edge of the 612 meter drop of the mighty Langefoss waterfall, down into the beautiful Aakrafjord? Isn’t that a fortunate drop of water? We would argue that it is, and that it is, in fact, water at its most beautiful.

231015-Rune-Bruvik “The idea is to always carry a piece of Norwegian nature,” says Bruvik.

It’s that water you’ll find in the case back of your BRUVIK Fjord timepiece. Taken from a river on the very edge of the northern fjords, out of circulation, this will always be water which has seen the fjord, and nearly made it in. Like a brief moment, taken out of the flow of time, this drop represents a change of pace; a moment’s relief from the relentless ever forward flow of time. Look at your watch as you carry it through the concrete jungles that make up our urban lives. You’ll know when it’s time to see the fjords again.

Bruvik left his own physiotherapy practice to pursue his passion and hobby. For years he had collected watches with special design touches. Suddenly he was designing watches himself. He is unskilled as a designer.

“Some says it is almost an advantage,” smiles Bruvik. “You dare bend the rules.”

Bruvik watches contain clockwork parts from some of Europes most renowned manufacturers.

Today Bruvik Time has several designs in its collection.

Watch a Norwegian Mountain Lake…, source: Bruvik time