Europe has for a long time been regarded as the safest continent on the planet. It has low crime rates, especially when it comes to violent crimes. Including Sweden, European countries also enjoy political stability, effective justice systems, and well-facilitated police forces. All these contribute to the public’s overall sense of safety. What’s the crime rate like in Sweden? 3 statistic and facts to know.
Europe is, however, a continent made up of several regions and countries, meaning different demographics and differences in the elements used to evaluate the safety, from crime rates to political instability.
Assuming you’re traveling or want to relocate to Sweden, one of the first things you’d want to learn about is its crime rates, right?
Here’s a quick glimpse at what it’s like living in Sweden alongside a few statistics and facts you should know regarding this Scandinavian country’s crime rates.

How it’s like Living in Sweden
Living in Sweden presents a high standard of life, boasting excellent healthcare, free education, and majestic natural beauty. It’s renowned for work-life balance, gender equality, and environmental consciousness. These are just a few of the many reasons it remains a great place to settle down or even travel to.
Before moving to Sweden, however, understanding the current security situation is crucial despite its peaceful reputation over the years. This is especially considering the increased reports of heightened drug-related crime and gun violence in recent times by various sources of both social and mainstream media.
Facts and Statistics About Crime Rates In Sweden

Property Crime
- Property crime in Sweden is relatively high, with theft and burglary being the most reported crimes.
- According to statistics, there’s a higher rate of burglary compared to other European countries.
If you live in Sweden, this means upgrading All Security Equipment in your home or business premises, from front doors to gate openers, and even parking systems. Remote access systems are specifically known to reduce property crime in the sense that they give you better control of who enters and leaves your property.
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Gun Crime
The matter of gun crime in Sweden cannot be ignored. Recently, the nation has seen a noticeable uptick in gun-related offenses, a challenge that’s become particularly prominent within urban neighborhoods spanning from Stockholm to Malmo.
- 2021 saw a total of 342 shootings and 46 deaths reported in Sweden.
One unsettling statistic is from The National Crime Prevention Council, indicating that Sweden is currently the only European country experiencing an increase in gun-related mortality rates. This spike primarily reflects the violence associated with ongoing gang conflicts taking place in these metropolitan areas.
However, while these patterns are undoubtedly concerning, it’s worth emphasizing that they do not determine the entirety of life or safety conditions within the country as a whole.
Scandinavia is one of the most cyber-secure countries in the world. Want to know more? Just click the image below.

What’s the Crime Rate Like in Sweden? 3 Statistics and Facts to Know, article continues below the image.

Gang Violence
Gang violence has taken an upward trend across major Swedish cities in recent times, with several feuds noted by law enforcement agencies.
- As of 2022, an alarming pattern suggested young individuals were getting more involved in these violent group activities due to socio-economic disconnection and distrust of established systems or institutions.
- Innocent bystanders have also become victims of this uptick in gang violence.
- Remember, while these facts may seem concerning, they don’t define everyday life for everyone living in or visiting Sweden.
According to the data from Statista Research Department, there was a steady decrease in crime rates in Sweden in the years 2021 and 2022.
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All in all, the majority of people live their lives safely without encountering such issues directly, largely due to police vigilance and community resilience.
Hopefully, the country will keep pace with the new trajectory and see the crime rates reduced even further in the near future.

What’s the Crime Rate Like in Sweden? 3 Statistics and Facts to Know, written dedicatedly for Daily Scandinavian by Nadine Westwood. Nadine is a registered dietitian, travel blogger & fitness lover. In her spare time, she helps save stray animals. Nadine really does enjoy sharing her fitness journey with others who might need help with weight loss or finding a stress reliever.
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