Nordic countries co-operate to establish a holistic ‘One Health’ approach across various authorities in health, social services, food, agriculture, and the environment in an effort to address antimicrobial resistance. The Nordics join forces against increasing super bacteria resistance
Antibiotics are used in many different sectors, in everything from human medicine to food production. Meanwhile, antibiotic resistance is increasing. We often talk about reducing the use of antibiotics, but we also need to be able to treat infections. Effective antibiotics are essential for human and animal health, as well as the environment.
“We’re already experiencing challenges in the healthcare system due to bacteria that are resistant to antibiotics. Unfortunately, this problem is only expected to get worse if we don’t act. Such resistance is immune to international borders, which is why it’s best we work together within the Nordic Region and beyond. I’ve helped to start up a Nordic collaboration in the area, and I’m delighted that we’ve now jointly decided to step up our efforts so that we in Denmark and the rest of the Nordic Region will be well-equipped going forwards to deal with the growing threat posed by resistant bacteria,” says Sophie Løhde, Denmark’s Minister for the Interior and Health.
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One of the biggest threats to human health
The World Health Organization WHO has classified antibiotic resistance as one of the ten biggest threats to human health globally. The European Commission considers it one ofthe three biggest health threats and, at its general assembly on antibiotic resistance in September, the UN adopted a declaration on how global efforts should proceed going forwards.
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Importance of a Nordic purchasing model
In April, the Nordic ministers for health and social affairs agreed to step up co-operation against antibiotic resistance and continue efforts to create a Nordic model which, among other things, guarantees remuneration for companies that supply antibiotics.
An inter-authority Nordic expert group has now been appointed in the area, which will propose a Nordic model for safeguarding access to effective antibiotics and determine how the Nordic countries should work in this area going forwards.

“A lack of access to antibiotics is a reality in all the Nordic countries, largely because singly they constitute small markets. However, it is hoped that current efforts to strike closer co-operation will ensure better conditions for improving access to antibiotics,” says Jakob Forssmed, Sweden’s Minister for Social Affairs and Public Health
A declaration is expected on 25 November 2024 in conjunction with a Nordic conference for experts in the field where officials, researchers, and manufacturers will come together in an effort to safeguard access to antibiotics in the Nordics.
Nordics Join Forces Against Increasing Super Bacteria Resistance, a press release from